Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Frustration Overload

borrowed from
Two posts in one evening. Wow, this online journal thing must be getting to me. More of growing into writing, this post is more to vent out my frustration.. over work.

I've been on medical leave for the past 2-3 weeks because I had to have an operation during the last week of October. Recuperation from my surgery takes 2 months, which is such a bitch.

Anyway, I am still bleeding where the incision was made, and I obviously have to rest up if I want to go back to work next week. But how can I rest if the people in the office constantly call or text me? And for the simplest of reasons! Reasons which shouldn't even amount to their having to call me if they did this on their own to begin with.

I know, I know, I'm being vague and all. I just had to write it down, otherwise risk my blood pressure shooting up. All I'm asking is, what if I died? The world has to go on moving without me right? Life in the office doesn't stop when I'm gone... if, and only if, people were really doing their jobs. I'm sick of picking up the slack. So sick.

This opens up more issues I have of people in the office, which I will get to writing about eventually, if I really want to be mentally healthy and rid myself of the emotional baggage they bring.

I got sick. Because of the stress at work, no doubt. Okay, partially because of the stress at work, not even 25% from them. But they're still a factor that's still there.

Okay, I'm breathing again, now. Not because I was able to vent out, but because my boyfriend realized I was typing away with so much anger he asked me to put the humongous laptop down and hug him. Plus he lit a Voluspa Makassar Ebony and Peach candle from Cura V. Life is good pa rin naman.

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