Thursday, February 14, 2013

Months Later

Months later...

I've broken up with my boyfriend. Apparently, he really isn't worth it. The poor guy though, after I broke up with hi, was so devastated and desperate that he slept with a guy his best friend had slept with, and slept with a friend of his who is in a relationship.

So that means he really isn't taking things well.

I on the other hand, have dated also. Dated a guy who was around 41 years old. At first, it was okay. We were going out almost everyday, we were having so much fun in bed. Until three words slipped out of my mouth while having sex with him. I LOVE YOU. This is so funny, but the bastard ran away. I didn't hear from him, until I posted something on Facebook wherein I stated:

People get scared when told, "I love you." These people are cowards and have no balls, lose them. And no, the let's be friends crap is, well, bull.

The statement, though, wasn't really for him. It was for this other guy that I was seeing. He's turning 39 this April. He really knew how to make ligaw. For an entire week, he made ma hatid-sundo. That was until three words slipped out of my mouth again. I LOVE YOU. I haven't seen him again since then.

You know what, there's something wrong with the Ateneans from the older batches. They are so afraid of putting themselves out there. I am tired of the dating scene. Really. Whatever fucked up thing happened to your generation, I am so not going to date anybody below batch 1996 from Ateneo anymore. 

Perfect news though, I am so excited to spend Valentine's Day with my new boy. He's younger. He is 24 years old, still immature, but the thing about younger boys is, you get to train them, and mold them into whomever you want them to be. It's a huge responsibility though, because we're talking about somebody's future here. 

I know I love him. He's still rough around the edges, and there are so many things that he needs to learn still. But generally, he's going to get there.