Thursday, May 10, 2012

BDO: We Find Ways of Inconveniencing You

I have an account with SM Makati BDO. I have a trip to Singapore this May 16, so I contacted my branch last May 2 to order SGD 400. I was informed by the woman I spoke with that it will take 3-5 banking days for the SGD to arrive. I called the branch last May 8, on the 5th banking day, to check if the SGD is available, and they informed me that these arrived last May 4 (the 3rd banking day) and since it was unclaimed, it was returned to the supplier. I asked them why they did not contact me, and they told me that it was not their practice. I informed them that they gave me a time frame of 3-5 banking days, so naturally, I would call on the 5th day to give them leeway, so why am I being inconvenienced by the return of the SGD on the 3rd banking day. 

On May 8, the man I spoke to, and with whom I ordered the SGD for the 2nd time, assured me that for the inconvenience I experienced, he will ensure that on May 10 he or someone from the bank, will contact me as soon as the SGD arrives. Nobody called me from the branch, I ended up calling to follow up if the SGD was there, only to discover that I needed to present my passport and e-ticket in order to get the SGD. 

The previous people I spoke with have not informed me at all of these. It was a good thing that my e-ticket was readily available, but my passport was in the condo. I am gravely disappointed that BDO does not value the simple joys their account holders get from the basic courtesies that should be expected from banks. It is very different from BPI who knows how to take care of its account holders. They contact you if your checkbook is available, if your SGD is available, or if your ATM is available already. 

I know I'm just one person, and that my account with your bank is nothing, but regardless of the client, BDO has to do a better job of taking care of us, of giving us value. A simple call to inform your clients of the availability of the third party currency that they ordered will only cost a couple of minutes (landline is free calls) from the time of your bank employees, and yet will make a big difference in ensuring that we are kept satisfied.

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