Monday, January 09, 2012

Counting the Hours

Pretty exhausted already at work, and yet only half the day has past. Can't wait for 5:00PM so I can already leave. Or maybe its the lack of potassium that's causing me to feel exhausted? Who knows? Feel pretty idiotic though. I actually have to consciously remind myself to drink water, otherwise I wouldn't be getting any water at all. So that's going to be part of the New Year's resolution. Funny, to ensure that I don't forget, I stuck a post-it note on my PC's monitor. How sad is that? Counting the days, as my boyfriend flew for UK just this morning. He'll be returning on Friday. So, for the time being, I will be all by my lonesome in the condo, catching up on TV series, and on my reading. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad2

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