Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Alter Ego

borrowed from last.fm
This blog is my alter ego. No, I am not dark and brooding and EMO when I'm out. My friends actually enjoy my company. My boyfriend loves me, but he doesn't really know that I have so much hate, and sadness brewing inside me. I have to let it out also, I otherwise will not have a sound mind if its just kept inside.

I'm too perky. In my actual life, I'm too perky, and happy. And when people look at me, they want my life. They probably think that everything's perfect with me. That just because I seem to have everything, I'm happy. My friends are all like me. You look at us from outside, and you think, they must be happy because they seem to have it all. Maybe my friends are like me, they all hide sadness and hate and hurt deep inside.

When I was in college, somebody prophesied that I would belong to the elite. I was an elite gay. Sounds gross, I know, but that's what that guy said. The thing is, if you live in a bubble, like the world I feel I'm constrained in, you're not happy.

What would make me happy, then? To heal. To heal finally would make me happy.

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